CCWSC Microlearning Library Now Available!

Purpose and Vision

The CCWSC recognizes the need to build on the knowledge and experience of our community and streamline the sharing of information that will improve practice and outcomes for our Colorado community.

Therefore, the CCWSC Microlearnings Library is a free and open access resource to support the Colorado community with:

  • Timely and relevant information in short videos with additional resources
  • Promoting a culture of learning and curiosity about how we can support children and
    families facing challenges in our state.

This library can be used any number of ways, but our hope in developing this resource is to provide CCWSC stakeholders with tools. Possible benefits from this resource include helping:

  • Students to understand current practices in Colorado and to share their work
  • Professors to update or modify curriculum for courses related to child welfare
  • County supervisors to use for discussion with group supervision
  • Partners to develop ideas, share information, and build connections.

Contact Us

For questions or to set up a time to discuss your contribution:

Kate Trujillo, PhD, LCSW
Professor, Department of Social Work
[email protected]

Ambey Clark
Graduate Student in Social Work
[email protected]